Part of my quest include trying to organize my life and our house. I have the physical need for organization I'm sure my husband will never understand. And with two small boys I'm certain they wont get it later.  So in an attempt to stop the arguments and feeling like nothing ever got cleaned or done in a timely manner I created a family planning book. This is based on an idea I got of Pinterest of course. You can find the link to the original pin here.
I took the idea from the pin but I had to change it to suit my family.
Originaly I had the various printables the I found either through this pin or through verious emails that I've gotten.  But they were all different style and colors and I just couldn't handle that. I've had a love of polka dots for a few years now so I decided to create our family planner with bright primary color dots. Mostly because I thought the bright colors would make it more appealing to the men in my life. :)
Also I have decided to print them & put them in the plastic sleeves so that I can write on the plastic with dry erase markers and save myself some money for the ink and paper for the printing. Plus I love the idea of not wasting trees to print tons of things out.

The planner has 5 basic sections.
Cleaning Lists
Emergency Plan
The cleaning tab has multiple pages including a weekly, monthly and yearly cleaning list.  I also included in this section a House maintenance list to write down all the things around the house that still need to be fixed or have recently broke. For example since we've moved in we still haven't finished patching a hole in the ceiling in the bathroom. Shame on us I know but it just needs some sanding and painting. (That's me trying to make myself feel better about it ) This is an important list because my husband has his own box on the cleaning list. Since he has alternating days off I couldn't put down things on a specific day and hope he sees them. He gets his own list and that way I'm not bombarding him with multiple ever-changing honey do lists. 
In the Goals list I have the most pages. I LOVE todo lists, they make me feel accomplished. And if I do anything not on my list? You got that right I write it on my list so I can mark it off. :) I'm an odd bird about todo lists, well about a lot of things actually. In my goal list I have the following:
Weekly & Monthly & Yearly Goals - Where we write down things we want to accomplish for that time period this is simple household todo list stuff
Next is a Weekly Goal sheet that is detailed and person oriented. On here I have it broken down for personal, family, business, marriage, faith and homemaking goals. I have a list & my husband has a list. This is anything but todo list stuff. They are personal and deep goals to in my mind help improve us as people, parents, and spouses.              
        After that we have Goals for each family memeber for 2013. For me and my husband theres a place to write goals for ourselves and places for us to write on each others list to say what we'd like the other person to work on. I believe an open line of communication can help us make fights and misunderstandments to a minimum and writing them down keeps the other person from forgetting or getting their feelings hurt. For the kids I write down things we want to teach them or make sure they see. For example on my 2 year olds I want him to start recognizing words like he does with his letters and numbers  and we need to work on potty training.            
        In this section I also have financial goals for the family and a hope list. The hope list is closely tied to our financial goals because the hope list is basically for us to write things we want to be able to afford this year. Things like a new tv or a new tattoo.  Things that aren't a necessity but that if we stick to our budget and save towards it then it would be a nice reward. Theres also a place to write household needs for things like items needing replacing like a bathmat or new coffee table, ect.
In the Event Planning section I have a page to plan out the detail of each boys birthday party including theme, location, date and cake and decoration ideas. I left places to paste pictures if I want to. I also have this section to write out other party plans if I'm in charge of any other get togethers through the year. My sister in law is big on family dinner night so if we are hosting family night then I'd write my plans in this section.
Immediately following that I have the calendar including a page with a year at a glance to write out important dates so I don't have to flip to each page to find Casey's birthday or whatever I'm looking for. 
And then end I have the emergency plan that I printed from here. I have it in the back because I won't need it each and every day but if its an emergency its easy to open the notebook backwards and its right there.
In the front pocket I have my weekly plan of attack which is a just AMAZING download that I got in an email. It allows me to plan out my todo list in an orderly fashion without overwhelming myself. It helps me keep the list small and manageable. If I can find the old email I'll attach the information because this should really be shared. Yes it's THAT good.

Now that I've wrote all this down it looks a smidge intimidating and makes me look fairly crazy for needing this much organization.
See you guys tomorrow!